Think well about your strategy starting with the picking phase! The right pick and decision can decide the outcome of the match! Skill & Item Build We’re going to talk more about what’s Dazzle role at each stage of the game in the fourth chapter of the guide “Game Play”, till then let’s discuss his strengths and weaknesses and skill and item build. In conclusion, Dazzle should be a safe pick in any situation, considering he’s got everything a support needs and he’s strong at every stage of the game. However, there are a few heroes that can strongly counter you, such as Axe and Ancient Apparition, in which cases you’re going to have to play more carefully than usual and play better in the laning stage to secure an easier situation. If you’re confident and you wish to give your teammates some extra time to think their picks, you can pick him first without worries. Since Dazzle excels on any lane, you should feel safe to pick him anywhere during the picking phase. I have to say that I’ve had a lot of fun and success playing him recently, gaining plenty of commends while doing so! He can heal his allies, easily shove lanes, harass his lane enemies and decrease the armor of his foes around him.
#Best items for dazzle dota 2 Patch
Well, Dazzle has proven to be this patch and the previous patches one of the strongest supports in the game.

Let’s talk a little bit about Dazzle, his role and when to pick him. I’ve used to play competitively years ago in some amateur 6.000 – 7.000 MMR teams and didn’t focus too much on ranked matchmaking at the time, so hopefully, whenever I have the chance to play I’ll be able to improve more! Right now I have over 4.000 hours played and I’m trying my best to climb up my MMR, currently sitting at about 5.000 MMR. In 2012 I’ve joined DOTAFire and a month later I’ve received a Steam invitation to play DotA 2 BETA, at the time you needed an invitation to play so I had to wait for a while to get one. I’ve been the Community Manager of DOTAFire since March 4th, 2014 and I’ve started playing Warcraft III’s DotA map back in 2007.

This is the tenth guide I’ve ever created and I wanted to start with a short introduction about myself and the hero featured in this guide, Dazzle, one of the strongest lane supports and harasser! Nếu nội dung hay, ý nghĩa bạn hãy chia sẻ với bạn bè của mình và luôn theo dõi, ủng hộ chúng tôi để cập nhật những thông tin mới nhất. Hy vọng những thông tin mà chúng tôi đã chia sẻ là hữu ích với bạn.
#Best items for dazzle dota 2 how to
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